Publications and Media Coverage of Our Research

For more information on the lab’s work, feel free to download the publications and academic posters listed here.


Lu, L., Vasilyeva, M., & Laski, E.V. (2024). Spontaneous focus on numerosity in parents of preschoolers: Is it related to the math input they provide? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
Vasilyeva, M., Laski, E. V., Casey, B. M., Lu, L., Ban, J., Betar, S., Cho, H., Wang, M. (under revision). Recruiting spatial-numerical representations to increase arithmetic fluency in low-income students. Developmental Psychology.
Wang, M., Vasilyeva, M., & Laski, E.V. (2024). Words matter: Effect of manipulating storybook texts on parent and child math talk. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.
Ban, J., Msall, C., Douglas, A., Rittle-Johnson, B., & Laski, E.V. (2024). Knowing what they know: Preschool teachers’ knowledge of early math skills and its relation to instruction. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
Laski, E.V., Ermakova, A., & Paz, M. (2024). Cognitive Instructional Techniques Observation Instrument. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31103.42408
Cho, H., Vasilyeva, M., & Laski, E.V. (2024). Statistical learning and mathematics knowledge: The case of arithmetic principles. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology.
Vasilyeva, M., Laski, E.V., Casey, B. M., Lu, L., Wang, M., Cho, H. (2023). Spatial-numerical magnitude estimation mediates early sex differences in the use of advanced arithmetic strategies. Journal of Intelligence, 11(5), 97.
Laski, E.V. & Wang, M. (2023). A critical consideration of Montessori Education in its relation to cognitive science and concrete to abstract thinking. In A. Murray, E-M. Ahlquist, M. McKenna, & M. Debs (Eds), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education,
Lu, L., Vasilyeva, M., Laski, E.V. (2023). Minor changes, big differences? Effects of manipulating materials on parental math talk. Developmental Psychology.
Laski, E.V. (2023). Bridging cognitive science and teaching practice: A proof of concept study of the Cognitive Instructional Technique (CIT) observation instrument. Journal of Educational and Psychological Research, 5(1), 588-594.
Laski, E.V., Ermakova, A., Vasilyeva, M., & Halloran, K., (2023). Effects of Using One or More Manipulatives on Strategy Mastery and Generalization. Journal of Experimental Education, 91(2), 1-19.
Vasilyeva, M., Laski, E.V., Veraksa, A., & Bukhalenkova, D. (2022). What children’s number naming errors tell us about early understanding of multidigit numbers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 224, 105510.
Dearing, E., Casey, B., Davis-Kean, P.E., Eason, S., Gunderson, E., Levine, S.C., Laski, E.V., Libertus, M., Lu, L., Lombardi, C.M., Nelson, A. (2022). Socioeconomic variations in the frequency of parent number talk: A meta-analysis. Education Sciences, 12(5), 312.
Vasilyeva, M., Laski, E.V., Veraksa, A., & Bukhalenkova, D. (2021). Leveraging measurement instruction to develop kindergartners’ numerical magnitude knowledge. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(7), 1354-1369.
Collins, M. & Laski, E.V. (2019). Digging deeper: Shared deep structures of early literacy and mathematics involve symbolic mapping and relational reasoning. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 46, 201–212. doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2018.02.008
Schiffman, J. & Laski, E.V (2018). Materials count: Linear-spatial materials improve young children’s addition strategies and accuracy, irregular arrays don’t. PlosONE, 13(12), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208832
Vasilyeva, M., Laski, E.V., Veraksa, A., Weber, L., & Bukhalenkova, D. (2018). Distinct Pathways From Parental Beliefs and Practices to Children’s Numeric Skills. Journal of Cognition and Development, 19, 345-366.
Laski, E.V. (2018). Portfolio picks: An approach for developing children’s metacognition. In H. Bohart & R. Procopio (Eds.), Spotlight on Young Children: Observation and Assessment. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Nguyen, H.N.T. †, Laski, E.V., Thomson, D.L., Casey, B.M., & Bronson, M.B. (2017). More Than Counting: Learning to Label Quantities in Preschool. Young Children, July, 22-29.
Laski, E.V. (2017). Not Sure Which Rubric to Use? Consider Cognitive Science Principles of Learning. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 53(2), 87-90.
Foley, A. E., Vasilyeva, M., & Laski, E. V. (2017). Children’s use of decomposition strategies mediates the visuospatial memory and arithmetic accuracy relation. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 35(2), 303–309. doi: 10.1111/bjdp.12166
Laski, E.V. (2016). An Explanation of the Distinction Between Developmental Factors and Mechanisms. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 16(1), 93–104. doi: 10.1177/1475725716680544
Vasilyeva, M., Laski, E. V., Veraksa, A. N., & Shen, C. (2016). Development of children’s early understanding of numeric structure. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 9(3), 76-94.
Laski, E.V., Schiffman, J., Shen, C., & Vasilyeva, M. (2016). Kindergartners’ base-10 knowledge predicts arithmetic accuracy concurrently and longitudinally. Learning and Individual Differences. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2016.08.004
Laski, E. V., Schiffman, J., Vasilyeva, M., & Ermakova, A. (2016). Arithmetic Accuracy in Children From High- and Low-Income Schools: What Do Strategies Have to Do With It? AERA Open, 2 (2), 1-14. doi: 0.1177/2332858416644219
Laski, E. V., Vasilyeva, M., & Schiffman, J. (2016). Longitudinal Comparison of Place-Value and Arithmetic Knowledge in Montessori and Non-Montessori Students. Journal of Montessori Research, 2 (1), 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2016.01.016
Shen, C., Vasilyeva, M., & Laski, E. V. (2016). Here, but not there: Cross-national variability of gender effects in arithmetic. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 146, 50-65. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2016.01.016
Vasilyeva, M., Laski, E., & Shen, C. (2015). Computational Fluency and Strategy Choice Predict Individual and Cross-National Differences in Complex Arithmetic. Developmental Psychology, 51 (1), 1489-1500. doi: 10.1037/dev0000045
Collins, M.A. & Laski, E.V. (2015). Preschoolers’ strategies for solving visual pattern tasks. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 32, 204-214. doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2015.04.004
Laski, E.V. & Dulaney, A. (2015). When prior knowledge interferes, inhibitory control matters for learning: The case of numerical magnitude representations. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 107(4), 1035-1050. doi: 10.1037/edu0000034
Laski, E.V., Jor’dan, J. R., Daoust, C., & Murray, A. (2015). What makes mathematics manipulatives effective? Lessons from cognitive science and Montessori education. SAGE Open, 1-8. doi: 10.1177/2158244015589588 (Translated to Greek in e-journal Montessori Pedagogy and Education, 2022)
Vasilyeva, M., Laski, E.V., Ermakova, A., Lai, W. F., Jeong, Y., Hachiagan, A. (2015). Re-examining the language account of cross-national differences in base-10 number representations. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 129, 12-25. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2014.08.004
Laski, E.V. (2015). Instruction and cognitive load. In G. Scarlett (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Classroom Management (p. 420-422). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Laski, E.V. (2015). Learning styles. In G. Scarlett (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Classroom Management (p. 468-470). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Laski, E.V., Ermakova, A., & Vasilyeva, M. (2014). Early use of decomposition for addition and its relation to base-10 knowledge. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 35, 444-454. doi: 10.1016/j.appdev.2014.07.002
Laski, E. V. & Siegler, R.S. (2014). Learning from number board games: You learn what you encode. Developmental Psychology, 50(3), 853-864. doi: 10.1037/a0034321
Laski, E. V. & Yu, Q. (2014). Number line estimation and mental addition: Examining the potential roles of language and education. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 117, 29-44.
Strand Cary, M., Laski, E.V., Shanley, L., Clarke, B. (2014). iPad number line assessment [iPad assessment]. University of Oregon, Center on Teaching and Learning, Eugene, OR.
Mitchell, R. & Laski, E.V. (2013). Integration of technology in elementary pre-service teacher education: An examination of mathematics methods courses. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 21 (3), 337-353.
Laski, E. V. (2013). Portfolio picks: An approach for developing children’s metacognition. Young Children, 68 (3), 38-43.
Laski, E. V., Reeves, T., Ganley, C., & Mitchell, R. (2013). Mathematics teacher educators’ perceptions and use of cognitive psychology research. Mind, Brain, and Education, 7, 63-74.
Laski, E. V., Casey, B. M., Yu, Q., Dulaney, A., Heyman, M., & Dearing, E. (2013). Spatial skills as a predictor of first grade girls’ use of higher level arithmetic strategies. Learning and Individual Differences, 23, 123-130.
Dearing, E., Casey, B. M., Ganley, C. M., Tillinger, M., Laski, E., & Montecillo, C. (2012). Young Girls’ Arithmetic and Spatial Skills: The Distal and Proximal Roles of Family Socioeconomics and Home Learning Environments. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27, 458-470.
Leistico, K., Laski, E. V., & University of Pittsburgh’s Office of Child Development (2010). Ready Freddy: School Readiness Curriculum. Office of Child Development, Pittsburgh, PA.
Leistico, K., Laski, E.V., & University of Pittsburgh’s Office of Child Development (2010). Ready Freddy Kindergarten Club: A Parent-child kindergarten transition curriculum. Office of Child Development, Pittsburgh, PA.
Laski, E. V., & Siegler, R. S. (2007). Is 27 a big number? Correlational and causal connections among numerical categorization, number line estimation, and numerical magnitude comparison. Child Development, 78, 1723-1743.
Laski, E.V., & Ogan, A. (2007). Investigation of the Everyday Mathematics computer-based games’ data, learning principles, and student learning. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Laski, E.V. (2003). Are you born with it? In K. Ryan & J.M. Cooper, Those Who Can, Teach (10th ed., p. 498). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Laski, E.V. (2000). The elements of a standards-based school: A word from the trenches. Commissioned by Lightspan Company, Inc., San Diego, CA.
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